Wednesday 9 February 2011

Important information about schools in Cyprus

Due to the way the education system works over here, if you are moving to Cyprus with children, it is very important to arrange their schooling before you arrive. If you are a parent, you need to find the school first because there are often waiting lists. You should also be aware that at private schools, both parents and children are carefully interviewed for suitability. At these particular schools, potential pupils will also need to undergo entrance examinations, which they must pass in order to gain admittance.

Right, now let me tell you more.

Education is mainly free at Greek state schools - but is compulsory. If you have children who don’t speak Greek yet, special lessons will be given to them to make integrating easier. By the way, foreign children are actively encouraged to join state schools.

Attendance at all schools in Cyprus, whether private or state, is required on five days of the week – Monday to Friday. A school year in Cyprus is divided into just three terms of three months. Classes tend to be small in numbers.

Education is provided free of charge at state schools as follows:

1. For primary education, for children who are aged between five years and eight months and 11 years and eight months. There is, however, a condition for enrolment into primary state schools. As a parent, you must provide proof of pre-school attendance for your child for the 12 months from four years and eight months to five years and eight months.

2. For lower secondary education, for children aged between 11 years and eight months and 15 years of age. Children are admitted to lower secondary education on age, but they must be in possession of a primary school leaving certificate.

3. For upper secondary education for children aged between 15 and 18 years of age. Any children who want training for a technical occupation are able to attend a technical school, where the diplomas are equivalent to upper secondary education.

In Cyprus, there are currently 188 private nurseries, 26 private primary and 31 private secondary schools operating with Ministry of Education and Culture approval. You can call them on (00 357) 22 800 600 for further information.

Let’s move on to fees so you can get an idea of costs. For pre-school children, at private nursery school, you will need to budget approximately €1500-€3000 per child, per year. For older children, private school fees range between €4500 and €6500 per pupil, per year.

Fees do vary from school to school and the more popular the school, generally the more expensive the fees. Remember you also need to budget for after school activities, school uniforms, books, additional private lessons (which are very common in Cyprus) and the one to watch out for – examination fees. These can be quite hefty and if a re-take is necessary, a further fee is payable.

My best advice is to always visit several schools before you make your final decision. Good schools will allow your child to attend for a day to see if they like it. Oh, and make sure you get a written contract showing what your fees cover and then there are no nasty surprises!

Finally, if you do decide to go the private route for education, and you are paying your fees from the UK, don’t move the money over using a bank as you could unknowingly lose hundreds of pounds in the process. Why not try Smart Currency Exchange? That’s who I use – – they move money all over the world in numerous different currencies - and I guarantee you will get a far better exchange than the bank!

Have fun finding your schools, if you need any further information, remember to email me.

Until next week
Best wishes

The Overseas Guides Company


  1. School is really important for our kids education. Before we could transfer in Cyprus I am hoping that I could choose the best school. Do you have recommendations?

  2. Thank you for your email. I will be covering this in next week's blog.

    Best wishes

  3. Apologies, this will be covered in my blog in a couple of weeks time.

    Best wishes
