Friday 23 April 2010

Using Email to Help Sell Your Property

Hello, how are you?

I hope your posters are finished and you are putting them up everywhere to promote your property. Remember to place your adverts in the local papers too - you will get a response.

Last week I said I’d talk to you about using email as a marketing tool to help sell your property. It’s easier than you think. Everyone who uses email has email addresses from somewhere. It could be friends, work colleagues, businesses, networking contacts - there are hundreds of sources.

So here’s the plan. Why not email them all with your property details? You can do this several ways. If you have a website, that’s the easiest way, because all you need to do is send a short message and include the link for them to click on. Or, you can produce a pdf file of your property details – just use your poster. If it’s not possible to do either of these, then don’t worry. Just send the description in the main body of the email plus a few photographs.

I designed a website, so it was easy for me. But – I really wanted everyone not only to read the email and click on the site, but also to circulate my email to all their friends too. So I offered the incentive of a financial reward. This would be paid in cash to anyone who sent me the lead that led to the final sale. Wow – that certainly worked!

The other thing to try is internet forums. Go on them and when you can, add your property details. You never know where these will end up and who will look at them – you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain. You will be surprised how many people get to know about your property like this and it costs virtually nothing.

So, use email to the maximum and see what happens!

I still have more ideas, so until next week, relax, stay focused on that “Sold” sign and remember - don’t ever give up.

Best wishes as always

Friday 16 April 2010

Selling Your Property In Cyprus

Hello again!

I’m hoping that you are now starting to get some viewings and are feeling very positive about selling your property. The secret is to keep at it – even in a difficult market you will sell in the end. Just look forward to how you will feel when it’s sold, and focus on that. I received this great advice from a dear friend - so every day I used to imagine a “SOLD” sign in front of my eyes - and eventually it worked!

By now, I hope your posters look good and that you are promoting them everywhere you can. Remember, stick them up at every opportunity – the more you promote your property, the more viewings you will get, so the more chance you will have of selling it.

You might also want to consider small lineage advertisements in the local papers. I found three really good ones that worked. The first is the local ex-pat daily paper, The Cyprus Mail. You can have around 40 words in the property section on a “buy four weeks, get one free week” basis for about 60 euros. This will appear Tuesday to Sunday every day for 5 weeks (there’s no Monday edition). This makes it about 70 cents a day to advertise in around 12,000 daily copies. That’s really cheap for island-wide coverage!

The second newspaper is The Cyprus Weekly. You can do the same again in this paper; it’s still cheap, but will only go in once a week.

Then there is The Paphos Post, which is a free monthly ex-pat newspaper. You simply send in a classified lineage advert no more than 25 words and it will go in FREE.

With a lineage advert, remember to put in the key features and your contact details. If you have title deeds, make sure you put that in the first line as this is really important. And this time – you DO need to state the price.

Well, I hope this will help you get to your goal of selling your property in Cyprus.

Next time I’m going to talk about how you can use email as a marketing tool.

Have a great weekend, see you next week.
Best wishes

Friday 9 April 2010

Selling your Overseas Property Privately

Hi, it’s me again.

What a lovely day it is in Cyprus today! I hope the weather is good where you are too.

I said last week that I’d share some more hints and tips on how you can sell your property privately. By doing this, you can save a fortune in estate agents commission. So this time, I’m going to cover how you can use the local supermarkets to help you.

Some supermarkets have notice boards and they allow you to pin up things you have for sale, business cards, charity notices and so on. And it’s FREE! So all you need to do now is design a small, eye-catching poster and you can join in. It’s best if you try and keep this to A5 size rather than A4. Why? Because the larger A4 signs tend to get other items pinned over them.

Before you start designing a poster on your computer (or getting someone else to do it for you), remember it’s very important to have really good photographs. These will definitely help sell your property for you. I had a professional photographer take ours; it only cost about 70 euros and was worth every penny. Also, if you get the photographer to take both high resolution and low resolution, then you can also use them on your website if you are going to have one.

Make sure you have all the key details on the poster, and very importantly, have strips at the bottom that people can tear-off. The tear-offs should contain your phone numbers and your website. Big hint: Don’t make the tear-offs too small, and make sure the phone numbers aren’t too close to the top of the tear-off. Make it really easy for people to just grab one and phone.

The response from doing this was amazing. Oh, and keep a plastic wallet of your posters in the car, so each time you are out, you can put them up or replenish them if they have gone – they do tend to disappear very quickly.

I hope these hints and tips are helping. Next time I’ll talk about advertising your property in the local papers – it’s very low cost - and it definitely works!

Until then,
Best wishes.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Help with potential buyers

Hi there

Well, the sun is shining and it’s a really lovely day here in Cyprus.

I hope you’ve been practicing your telephone scripts – its fun, isn’t it? Last week I said I’d give you some more marketing ideas on how to sell your property in Cyprus, but before then, let’s just finish off talking about what you need to do when your potential purchasers start to phone.

First and foremost, you need to find out who is a serious buyer. Otherwise, how will you know if they can proceed immediately if they fall in love with your property and want to buy it? So, don’t be embarrassed to ask “are you a cash buyer or do you have a property to sell?” Or, “is the sale of your current property dependent on you buying this one if you like it?” Or, “will you need a mortgage to proceed?” And very importantly “What is your budget?” It’s good to sort out how much they have to spend – or get an indication at least – before they view.

The reason I am suggesting these questions is because I used them myself to filter people out. Believe me, there are plenty of “buyers” out there who are NOT in a position to proceed and these few questions can quickly eliminate them. Then you don’t waste your time – or theirs.

It’s hard work keeping your property in show house condition when you are selling. Although I’m very house-proud, I have to admit sometimes it did become tiring. Like for instance when you’ve just stripped the beds – and the door bell goes. Or, you’re in the middle of washing all the floors, or hanging out the washing. But what can you do? You can’t risk a potential buyer going away – and never coming back!

Next week I’m going to talk to you about how to use the supermarkets to advertise - you’ll be amazed at the response you will get!

Bye for now, see you next week.
Have fun.